Philip Bärring Guest Blog: The Citizen Council on Climate - the beginning of a turning point? The Citizen Council on Climate could be a starting point for the citizen council method in Sweden, but what does that mean? My enthusiasm and engagement in the method stem from a belief that our polit... Mar 27, 2024 Our blog
Micke Ströberg Citizens' Assembly or Citizens' Council? - The Outcome Makes the Difference In the quest for new methods to strengthen democracy and increase citizen engagement in political processes, the concepts of citizens' assembly and citizens' council have garnered increased attention.... Mar 12, 2024 Our blog
Micke Ströberg Citizen Assemblies in the Inquiry Stage Sweden is renowned for its collaborative and inclusive policy-making process. The inquiry stage, known as "remiss," plays a pivotal role in ensuring that various stakeholders are involved in the decis... May 2, 2023